Companion Care for Seniors in Fort Myers.
Companion Care is one of our most popular services. It is for seniors who need assistance with certain daily tasks and do not require advanced care with a home health aide or registered nurse and who wish to remain at home and live independently. Having regular friendly visits, meaningful conversations, daily walks, and good company can make all the difference in the world and a lifeline for seniors who are socially isolated. Our care team at Touched By An Angel Senior Care focuses primarily on the client and his or her social needs. Our Companion Care Services provide emotional support and help improve their quality of life. These regular visits are a highlight of life for many of our clients, giving them something meaningful to look forward to each day. Our Compassionate Companions offer a wide range of services to clients, such as:
Company and Conversation
Medication reminders
Help with planning, scheduling and keeping appointments
Meal planning and preparation
Grocery shopping and errand services
Accompanied walks
Stabilize when walking by holding arm or hand when needed
Report unusual incidents or changes in behavior
Accompany to doctor’s appointments
Perform basic cosmetic assistance (brushing hair, assisting with makeup, filing/polishing nails, etc.)
Prescription drop off and pick up
Arts and crafts services
Stimulate mental awareness
Recreational activities
Keeping family members up to date on their seniors
Video chatting with loved ones
Social outings and more